The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts has a proud tradition of championing quality food and hospitality and that includes where and how our ingredients are sourced and produced.


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Our RACA Academicians, Colleges, Associate members, and associated partners have contributed to our sustainability mandate in the following areas:

  • Demonstrating and championing sustainable and ethical food values

  • Sustainable sourcing and promoting biodiversity

  • Supporting high standards of animal welfare

  • Reducing waste and managing resources sustainably

  • Modern working practices including encouraging, supporting and investing in current and future workforces

  • Championing and motivating a sustainable and ethical food philosophy

Historic stone building with arched entrance, purple wisteria vines, green shrubs, and a gravel path in a garden setting.

Sustainability and ethical food philosophy

Our sustainability and food philosophy serves to inspire the enjoyment of food using fresh, natural ingredients from sustainable, natural sources. The ingredients we use should be nurtured through sound and ethical production methods in nearby seas, waters, farms, and in the wild.

Individually and collectively we have a role to play, from inspiring our young people about food to sourcing sustainable and ethically produced ingredients, reducing food waste, reducing energy, and encouraging our teams, customers, and communities. That is why we are placing our sustainable and ethical food philosophy at the heart of what it means to be a member of the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts.

Organisations which support us with our sustainability act - James Golding, RACA Sustainability Committee Chairman

Our shared commitment to sustainable and ethical food

At the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, we have a proud tradition of championing high quality food and hospitality. Today, more than ever, this means using sustainably sourced ingredients that come from producers and suppliers with high standards of animal welfare. At the same time we have a responsibility to our environment by ensuring that resources used in the preparation of our dishes are sustainably sourced, effectively used and sustainably disposed. We have created a sustainability and food philosophy that encompasses the key elements of sustainability and ethical food that we expect all our academicians, affiliated colleges and associate members to fulfill or be working towards. It has been developed over the past two years by our members, with advice and feedback from friends and expert organisations and aims to be relevant for all our members whatever their type of operation and wherever they are based. We have seen through the activities of Academicians and the piloting of the philosophy, that any activity has consequences and what may suit one business, may not be suitable for another. Similarly, what may seem a sensible solution today may be revealed to have hidden consequences tomorrow. As a result, the philosophy is a living document and will be updated periodically to take on board new evidence and best practice. Some academicians have been at the forefront of this agenda for many years. Others in contrast are starting out on their journey. Throughout the development of the philosophy it has been truly motivational to see academicians share their stories, challenges and solutions. It is fitting, that as the Academy celebrates its fortieth anniversary that we work collectively towards meeting the ambition and content of the philosophy.

How best to use the handbook

This document sets out the sustainability and ethical food philosophy. It is structured across six pillars:

  1. Strategy: demonstrating and championing sustainable and ethical food values

  2. Sourcing: sustainable sourcing and promoting biodiversity

  3. Animal welfare: supporting high standards of animal welfare

  4. Resource and Waste Management: reducing waste and managing resources sustainably

  5. Modern Working Practices: encouraging, supporting and investing in your current and future workforce

  6. Promotion and engagement: championing and motivating a sustainable and ethical food philosophy

Each of the pillars below contains a number of actions that you need to have met or be working towards. The handbook has been designed to make it as easy as possible for you to work through the philosophy; identify those areas where you are already undertaking the activity as well as those areas where you can focus. You will be asked to let us know how you are progressing against the philosophy by sending us your completed checklists. We encourage you to work with another academician to provide peer to peer support as you work through the philosophy and assess your progress. All members of the Academy are expected to demonstrate progress towards the philosophy. There could be some actions that are currently too difficult to meet. If this is the case, explain the reasons for this.

The six pillars

  • Pillar 1. Strategy: demonstrating and championing sustainable and ethical food values

    This pillar allows members of the Academy (Academicians) to demonstrate what preparing, cooking and serving food from sustainable and ethical sources means to their business and sets out and stimulates action to meet core values. It includes spelling out the values that describes the businesses’ passion and commitment to sustainable and ethical food, producing an action plan and setting up a process that can galvanise and motivate the team to develop the action plan.

    By meeting this pillar you will be able to demonstrate:

    Your commitment to sustainable sourcing, animal welfare and energy conservation within your business

    Your team’s understanding and commitment to sustainable sourcing, animal welfare and energy conservation

    Your business meeting or working towards meeting your value

    How you can demonstrate your progress:

    Set out your vision

    I communicate the values that drive the sustainability and ethical food philosophy in my business

    Implement your vision

    I have a strategy in place that sets out action to meet the sustainability and ethical food philosophy

    I have one or more dedicated members of my team that help drive sustainability and ethical food philosophy in my business

    I have champions in place across the business that help drive the sustainability and ethical food philosophy strategy

    I regularly engage my team and suppliers to ensure they have the knowledge required to support the business’ sustainability and ethical food philosophy strategy

    Evaluate your vision

    I regularly monitor the progress of the sustainability and ethical food philosophy strategy

  • Pillar 2. Sourcing: sustainable sourcing and promoting biodiversity

    This pillar focuses on ensuring that Academicians know the source of their produce and that as far as possible they come from sustainable and ethical sources. Where the business source their produce should support the values outlined in pillar one and where possible reflect the character of where their business is based and the relative seasons.

    By meeting this pillar you will be able to demonstrate:

    You know the source of your produce and ingredients

    As far as possible ingredients come from sustainable and ethical sources

    Your menu reflects produce and ingredients come from sustainable and ethical sources

    How you can demonstrate your progress:

    Know the source of your produce

    I know the source of my produce and ensure they come from sustainable or ethnical sources

    Source the ingredients from sustainable and ethical sources

    I source from producers and suppliers that are as close as possible to me and who meet sustainable and ethical standards

    I source ingredients that are available and in season

    I use responsibly sourced cocoa and chocolate cocoa with a traceable supply chain

    I use responsibly sourced tea and coffee

    I use responsibly produced palm-oil for cooking or have removed palm oil

    I avoid artificial additives, artificial trans-fats and genetically modified ingredients

    I solely use green fertilisers and eco-forms of best control

    I use and promote rare and native British breeds of livestock

    I use heritage varieties of fruit and vegetables

    I am increasing the reliance on own-grown produce

    Reflect ingredients from sustainable and ethical sources on menu

    I incorporate and promote unconventional cuts of meat on my menu

    I make the case for increasing the diversity of non-meat and vegan dishes on my menu

    I have a diverse range of non-meat and vegan dishes on my menu

  • Pillar 3. Animal welfare: supporting high standards of animal welfare

    This pillar focuses on sourcing produce that meets high standards of animal welfare, ensuring that the animal was reared in natural, free-range settings.

    By meeting this pillar you will be able to demonstrate:

    Your meat and poultry comes from producers that comply with high welfare standards

    Your dairy and egg products comes from producers that comply with high welfare standards

    Your fish is sourced from sustainable fish stock

    That caviar on your menu comes from suppliers and producers that can demonstrate sustainable and ethical methods

    How you can demonstrate your progress:

    Source meat and poultry from suppliers that meet high standards of animal welfare

    I procure my meat and poultry from farms and suppliers that meet high welfare standards

    Source dairy and egg products from suppliers that meet high standards of animal welfare

    I procure British milk, cream and butter from farms and suppliers that meet high welfare standards

    I source eggs (shell and liquid) from free-range hens in the British Isles

    Source fish from suppliers that meet high standards of animal welfare

    I source fish and seafood from sustainable fish stock

    I source fish and seafood from suppliers who use sustainable methods to catch, store, package and transport their fish and seafood

    I ensure that caviar is sourced from producers and suppliers that can demonstrate it has been produced sustainably and using ethical methods

  • Pillar 4. Resource and Waste Management: reducing waste and managing resources sustainably

    This pillar focuses on reducing waste, water and energy. It covers the importance of measuring the quantity and cost of waste and putting in plans to reduce it. It also looks at measuring the amount of water and energy used and finding ways to reduce energy or find sustainable alternatives. It also promotes effective food recycling and waste management and includes adapting menus to make full use of ingredients which may lead to waste reduction. Through effective waste management programmes it also focuses on reducing the use of micro-plastics, plastic and polystyrene.

    By meeting this pillar you will be able to demonstrate:

    A reduction in the amount of food waste produced

    Increased sustainable disposal of food waste

    Increased sustainable disposal of non-food waste

    A reduction in the amount of consumable and non-food waste

    A reduction in the amount of electricity and gas used

    A reduction in water consumption

    How you can demonstrate your progress:

    Set out your vision

    I have measures in place to reduce the amount of food waste I produce

    I have processes in place to dispose of food waste in a sustainable manner

    Implement your vision

    I have processes in place to dispose of non- food waste in a sustainable manner

    I have processes in place to minimise the amount of non-food waste I produce

    Evaluate your vision

    I have processes in place to minimise the amount of electricity and/or gas I use

    I have processes in place to minimise water consumption I use

    I have processes in place to minimise any transport-related carbon emissions related to the supply of food products

  • Pillar 5. Modern Working Practices: encouraging, supporting and investing in your current and future workforce

    This pillar focuses on how the business invests, nurtures, motivates and supports their teams and encourage and support new entrants into the industry.

    By meeting this pillar you will be able to demonstrate:

    That you have processes in place to increase the retention of staff

    That you have processes in place to increase the performance of staff

    That you have processes in place to increase the number of young people entering the hospitality industry

    How you can demonstrate your progress:

    Be safe and legal

    I provide all my team with the correct employment documentation, such as a written contract

    I have clear policies in place for sick leave, grievances and tips

    Nurture and retain your team

    I meet regularly with my team on an individual basis to review performance and support their careers

    I offer competitive remuneration packages

    I provide training and development opportunities to my team

    I adopt and promote initiatives that support the well-being of my team

    Go the extra mile

    I recognise and reward staff who actively support the delivery of sustainable operations

    I support the Academy’s education and development projects and activities, which could include taking on an apprentice from our apprenticeship programmes and encourage and support staff to take part in our Annual Awards of Excellence

  • Pillar 6. Promotion and engagement: championing and motivating a sustainable and ethical food philosophy

    This pillar focuses on the Academician’s role as an ambassador to shout about their commitment to their sustainable and ethical food philosophy and help educate and stimulate their team, young people, peers and local community about it.

    By meeting this pillar you will be able to demonstrate:

    Your engagement with local small-scale farms and producers

    Your engagement in local community projects

    Your engagement with sustainability activities and projects

    How you can demonstrate your progress:

    Promote your businesses commitment to sustainability

    I publicise my business’s commitment to a sustainability and ethical food philosophy through various media channels.

    I work with local sustainability campaigns and raise awareness of sustainability issues

    Champion and support local producers and suppliers

    I champion local farms and producers

    I support local businesses beyond farms, producers and suppliers

    Engage your local community

    I support local community projects

    I support the Academy’s Adopt a School project